Can you buy a human being?

Human trafficking is the organised trafficking of people. Those behind it take advantage of children, women and men, making them do work and services through force and violence. All such trade is a violation of human rights.

Menneskearm med strekkode
Menneskearm med strekkode


“My mother and siblings died because of the war in my country, and my father had travelled into the nearest town to find work. I was happy to have my grandfather, because he was really kind. His legs were injured during the war, and he struggled to walk. It was my responsibility to make sure that we had something to eat. When I finished work for the day, I went to school. I had friends and we had time to play and have fun.

One day, two strange men came to my village. The men said that they knew of some work for girls in another country. One of them told my grandfather that if he let me go, I would return with money so that we could afford an operation on his legs. Myself and three other young girls from the village agreed to travel, the youngest was only fifteen years old.

The men organized passports for us all, and one day they came to collect us in a car. I feel stupid because I willingly went with them, but everyone in my village believed that the men meant well. To begin with they were kind, and we got everything we needed and wished for. We travelled for a long time, day and night.

One day, the men completely changed. They gave us pills that made us sleepy, and we couldn’t fight when the men raped us. One of the girls became hysterical and just wanted to go home. The men killed her. This is what will happen to you if you protest, they said.”

Sadly, the story of «Eva» is not unique. There are millions of children and young people who have experienced similar situations.

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Trist ansikt av jente delvis lagt i skygge.
Trist ansikt av jente delvis lagt i skygge.

What is human trafficking?

Human trafficking is when a person is sold as a product. This person may be forced into prostitution, forced labour, begging or military service. Children, women and men can all be victims of human trafficking.

The victims who come to Norway are often people from other countries in a vulnerable situation – often because of poverty and war in their home country. Many refuse to contact or cooperate with the police. This may be out of fear of being punished by those who are holding them captive. Can you think of any other reasons why they wouldn’t want to contact the police?

Anyone who is a part of human trafficking in any form is doing something criminal. Those who kidnap people, transport them, hide them or buy them are all involved in criminal activity. Anyone who is found guilty of human trafficking will get a harsh punishment.

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To personer gjør opp en handel med et barn som sitter i bakgrunnen med bøyd hode.
To personer gjør opp en handel med et barn som sitter i bakgrunnen med bøyd hode.

Human trafficking over time

Another word for human trafficking is slavery. Both involve people losing their freedom and being taken advantage of in the worst possible way. Throughout time, people have been taken advantage of. Some people were taken as slaves after a war, or kidnapped from their own villages by human traffickers. You could also end up becoming a slave if you owed someone money, or you could be sentenced to slave labour because of criminal offences. Do you think that this is something that still happens?

In Scandinavia during the Viking Age there were many slaves, or “treller” as they were called at the time. Vikings who raided other countries took children, women and men as prisoners. They would then be taken back to the homeland of the Vikings and used as free labour. They had no rights, and were considered a product – in the same way that slaves are today.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, Europeans discovered new land in both America and Africa. They established large plantations to grow and produce raw materials that they could sell back in Europe. They needed a lot of workers on the plantations, which led to the idea of capturing people to use for free labour. Slaves were brought from both Africa and America and sold to plantation owners. This slave trade was one of the worst kinds of human trafficking in our history.

Over 12 million Africans were transported as slaves to America, and over a million died during the journey. Over six million slaves were transported to Asia, and eight million Africans became slaves on their own continent. Do you think there was any difference between being a slave in Africa or in America?

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Gulnet tegning av slaver som jobber på en bomullsplantasje.
Gulnet tegning av slaver som jobber på en bomullsplantasje.

Human beings are still being sold

Human trafficking is still a serious problem in many parts of the world. There are strict laws against slavery, but there are still people who take advantage of others. Why do you think someone would do this?

Amerikanske dollar og hender som er bundet med et sort tau.
Amerikanske dollar og hender som er bundet med et sort tau.

Where do the victims come from?

Human trafficking can take place inside a country, or across national borders. About 20 million people are trafficked every year. Many come from Asia, and are often taken via Eastern Europe to Western Europe.

The UN estimates that there are over 40 million slaves in the world, and this figure includes those who are affected by human trafficking. Forced marriages and forced labour are also included in this number. Most victims are women and children.

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En redd jente som sitter på gulvet i et mørkt rom og dekker ørene med hendene sine.
En redd jente som sitter på gulvet i et mørkt rom og dekker ørene med hendene sine.

Human trafficking also happens here

Human trafficking and social dumping also take place in Norway. In 2005, the ROSA organisation started to help victims of human trafficking. Since the start, they have helped over 1,600 people from 62 different countries. Most of these are women and children who have been forced into sexual services.

Many victims are made to work long and hard days with very poor pay. The work can be harvesting in agriculture, road or stone laying work, or cleaning in institutions or private homes. Others are forced to commit crimes such as drug dealing or robbery. ROSA also knows many people who are forced to beg on the streets.

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En steinlegger som sitter på huk og legger på plass en ny stein.
En steinlegger som sitter på huk og legger på plass en ny stein.

Why don’t they escape?

It can be easy to think that victims of human trafficking can simply run away. If only it was that easy! The people who hold them captive have far too much power. Not always physically, but often by using threats such as killing someone in their family. The victims are manipulated into believing that they are to blame. They may feel a lot of shame that they’ve let themselves be tricked into the situation, or that they haven’t put up more resistance.

There are many victims who say nothing at all. They don’t report anything to the police. They are afraid of being punished by their captors, and perhaps worried that they wouldn’t be believed. If you do manage to escape, there is the fear of being caught again. What will happen if they find me? Is it worth it? These people live an unbelievably difficult life. A life that it can be impossible to escape.

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Asiatisk jente med skader etter slag i ansiktet.
Asiatisk jente med skader etter slag i ansiktet.

Abolish slavery and human trafficking

The UN has set a goal of eliminate slavery and human trafficking by 2030, and all child labour by 2025. Sustainable Development Goal 8.7 states that the UN must:

«Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.»

Liten gutt jobber med tunge løft på en byggeplass.
Liten gutt jobber med tunge løft på en byggeplass.

Prevention of human trafficking

Human trafficking is a brutal violation of human rights, and more and more countries are introducing strict penalties for human trafficking. The fight against this crime is also rooted in an international cooperation that is becoming closer and closer. International police keep a watch on people associated with human trafficking, and commonly used routes are closely monitored.

Norwegian authorities are  part of international efforts to combat human trafficking. The government’s action plan contains measures to prevent human trafficking, to identify victims and to prosecute human traffickers.

The police also need to make it easier for the victims to come forward and report incidents without fear of punishment. There is a separate department, the Victims of Human Trafficking Coordination Unit (KOM), which helps authorities and organisations working with victims of human trafficking.

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En arrestert person med håndjern.
En arrestert person med håndjern.

What can YOU do?

Victims of human trafficking have special rights. ROSA – help for victims of human trafficking – has long experience, knowledge and a network in the field. They can help victims get guidance, legal help, support equipment and a safe place to stay. They are also bound by confidentiality.

Do you suspect that someone is subject to coercion and exploitation?

Contact ROSA for guidance and/or help on their national 24-hour line. Tel – 22 33 11 60


  • Gursli-Berg, Gunhild; Bahus, Vegard Bø: menneskehandel i Store norske leksikon på Hentet 9. mai 2022 fra
  • Norseng, Per G.: trell i Store norske leksikon på Hentet 9. mai 2022 fra
  • Steen, Tone; Hansen, Ketil Fred: slaveri i Store norske leksikon på Hentet 9. mai 2022 fra
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