Money doesn’t grow on trees

Does money grow on trees? How can you get money if there is something you want?

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No, money doesn’t grow
on trees

No one has ever believed that, right? Why is this expression used so often, and what do people really mean when they say it?

It would be great if money really grew on trees, if there were unlimited amounts of money falling into our pockets like leaves from the trees, without us having to do anything for it!

But that’s not the case for most of us. We can’t always get everything we want or rely on someone else to cover all our expenses. We have to work and save ourselves to buy what we want.

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Do you receive money as birthday or holiday gifts? Do you work after school or have a summer job? Or maybe you receive a weekly or monthly allowance for helping at home?

A good advice is to try to save some of your money. It may be wise to put the money into a separate savings account. It often has a slightly higher interest rate than what we call a checking account. That means your money grows faster in a savings account.

It’s a great idea to start saving as early as possible, and it’s always better to save a little than nothing at all. What do you think is wise to save money for?

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