What is a coup d`état?

A coup d’état is when the current power is removed in an undemocratic way or through a revolution. This means that a group of people takes over power in an illegal way.

📷 A painting of protesters storming the Palais de Tuileries during the French Revolution of 1848.

A coup d’état can happen in a number of different ways. In history, we have mostly seen a variety of military coups. A military coup is when a leader takes political power with the help of an army through violence and threat.

A coup d’état often happens when there are big changes in a country, for example after elections or major economic reforms. A coup d’état often results in dictatorship.

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Opptøyer under franske revolusjonen
Opptøyer under franske revolusjonen


Dictatorship means that the control of power belongs to one person or a small group. A dictatorship is the opposite of a democracy. In a dictatorship, citizens have little freedom, and everything is controlled by the leader who is known as the dictator. In countries such as Iran, which has an Islamic clerical government, you can be killed or put in jail if you criticise the regime.

📷 US President Donald Trump is the first US President to cross the border into North Korea to meet Kim Jong-un, the Supreme Leader of the totalitarian one-party state.

USAs president Donald Trump er første amerikanske presidenten til å krysse grensen til Nord-Korea for å møte øverstkommanderende av den totalitære ettpartistaten, Kim Jong-un.
USAs president Donald Trump er første amerikanske presidenten til å krysse grensen til Nord-Korea for å møte øverstkommanderende av den totalitære ettpartistaten, Kim Jong-un.

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