Ung gutt står på en stol og roper i en megafon.
Irritert mann kommuniserer på et møte med hevet finger.
The quality of arguments
To examine the quality of argumentation, we can ask ourselves:
- Are the arguments strong? Is the claim true? Does it seem likely and just?
- Are the arguments relevant? Are the arguments important for the case?
- How strong are the arguments compared to the opposing arguments?
- Have all important sides of the case been discussed?
En person bruker en ekstra stor megafon for å snakke med en annen person.
First of all, second, third…
To convince others, you need solid and factual arguments.
When you write an argumentative text, you should have several arguments that point in the same direction. You need to support each argument and use them all to reach a final conclusion.
When you argue, it can be useful to repeat what you say. If you get others to repeat your arguments, it seems even more convincing. When something feels familiar, people tend to be more likely to believe that it is correct.
Forretningsmann peker på den han diskuterer med.
- SØK & SKRIV (10.11.21): Toulmins argumentasjonsmodell
- Alnes, Jan Harald: argument i Store norske leksikon på snl.no.
Hentet 10. november 2021 fra https://snl.no/argument
- ndla.no (10.11.21): Åpen eller skjult argumentasjon?
- ndla.no (10.11.21): Hva er et godt argument?
- Wikipedia (10.11.2021): Argumentasjon
- Owl Purdue (03.06.2022): Toulmin argument
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